One day two little kids were going to class along the bank of the river. Both of them are around five years old kids. They have no much more experience about life. But both of them are in Sri Lankan, Buddhist boys. There for they have knowledge of the environment, about people and how should work with people such a things. Because their life is building with the Buddhism. Each and every sri lankan are always help to not only to people but also to the animals, when they want some help, protection from others. Even they do not thing about their life, if some one wants help any time any place they will help, not only the adults people but also the kids.

When they were going on the bank of the river. Both of them show that some thing really happen in the water. Some one is struggling with the water for rescue. River was not consider about that she flows in her way, she does not know actually what happen? She thought that some little one was bathing. But the little dog was struggling with its life.
No any help to protect its life. It struggle and struggled to protect life because each and every creches including human beings are really like to their life. Therefor they want to live exact more than one day. So that, they every moment struggle to protect their life from unfair situation. Its also common for animals.
But some times they can not protect their lives along. Because its depend on the situations. On such a situation the people who are going to help to that helpless people or creches are the really good. We can say to them as a really good human beings. In this situation, above two kids not consider about themselves they helped to the helpless dog that are struggling on water.
But they had not way how to do that? How help to the dog? Both of them were think the path to rescue the dog. They identified the path. It was really good action to see how they were act like that on such a situation.

Each kids helped to each other to success their goal. They worked as a team. Share their ideas. Both of them were really good team member. Look at the picture one kinds was going to rescue the dog that was struggling in the river, and the other kids helped to do that task to other one.Actually it was really nice to see. Finally they were success.

Now the dog was not in water. No any risk for dog. Look after success their goal both kids were going for their class. All of them were really happy about that. They can remember for it for their entire life.
Really this are only two kids, their are many more kids in Sri Lanka. And also the adults.